Letter From Leadership 5/4
Sometimes, all it takes is a single word to get a powerful, ground-shifting conversation underway. This week, our fifth graders began the next step of planning and preparing for graduation.
PTA Newsletter No. 15 - 4/30/23
Please read some important messages below, especially the one about traffic safety on Henry Street during drop-off and pick-up. We also hope you'll get involved in our Green/Food Committee and come to our next movie night!
PTA Newsletter No. 14 - 4/16/23
Welcome back from Spring Break! We hope you had an enjoyable, restful week off. We've got lots of exciting spring events coming up, plus planning has already begun for end of year events - though it's hard to believe, the end of school year will be here before we know it!
PTA Newsletter No. 13 - 3/26/23
A reminder to all: The NYC School Survey needs to be completed by each family by March 31st. Filling out this survey helps BNS's DOE school rating - we need all families to complete the survey! More information here.
PTA Newsletter No. 12 - 3/12/23
A reminder to all: The NYC School Survey needs to be completed by each family. by March 31st.
PTA Newsletter No. 11 - 2/26/23
As we go into the mid-Winter recess, we are sharing with you a newsletter full of helpful reminders, opportunities to get involved and some asks to support our PTA's great work at school. Please join us for our next PTA meeting this Tuesday 2/28 at 8:30 a.m. in the Art Room.
The spirit of our community
This community is made up of so many amazing people who work to provide specialized services to our students. Each professional focuses on an aspect of development that supports their educational and socio-emotional experiences.
PTA Newsletter No. 10 - 2/5/23
There are lots of important meetings and events coming up, and planning for spring events like our next movie night 3/10, annual Makerfest 3/25, Spring Fling in May (TBD), and Family Dance Party 6/2 are in full swing. Read more below, and consider getting involved!
This Little Light of Mine…
A new calendar year is upon us! We welcome you to 2023, and together, we remember that every milestone such as the start of a new year gives us all a chance to reflect, plan forward and start fresh. We welcome new families who have recently joined our school community and hope that they and their children are having experiences of joy during this transitional period.
PTA Newsletter N.9 - 1/22/23
We have had a busy January, with bake sales, movie nights, and more. Plus, we are already starting to plan for spring events like our next movie night 3/10, annual Makerfest 3/25, Spring Fling in May (TBD), and Family Dance Party 6/2. Read more below, and consider getting involved!
Farm Stand Wednesday 02/01
Make sure to visit our Farm Stand and take fresh and healthy produce home at lower costs. Donations are much appreciated!
PTA Newsletter No. 8
Happy New Year! We hope everyone enjoyed the break, reconnecting with family, resting and thinking about what is to come in the New Year.
PTA Newsletter No. 7
Happy Holidays! We know this is always a busy time of year: full of fun, festivities and a little bit of fatigue.
PTA Newsletter No. 6
We’re almost to the final month of 2022. Kudos to you all! Thank you to everyone who volunteered their baking skills for the pie fundraiser and the bake sale.
PTA Newsletter No. 5
There are so many ways to get involved this month, from bake sales to chorus to mindfulness!
Election Day and Professional Learning Day
Election Day – a day that reminds us all to reflect on our democratic country, to act upon our civic duty, and in schools - the site of ballot-casting for many, staff report to work while students are home with their families and caretakers.
Holding space for feeling safe
The narrative and perception of safety is an important one for all of us, as we reflect with a bit of space and time having passed since last week. It can be the difference between a positive or negative shift in the way we interact with our community.