2024-2025 BNS Staff Directory

BNS Leadership / Principal

Diane Castelucci
718.923.4750 | x 2072

Parent Coordinator
Fernando Maneca

718.923.4750 | x 3081

Community Coordinator
Shelley Bissessar
718.923.4750 | x 3082

For contact information please reach out to the main office at 718-923-4750.

Amanda RomaniPre-kindergarten
Tammy DongPre-kindergarten
Jessica TaverasPre-kindergarten
Marisol SantosICT special education
Valerie PerezKindergarten
Kori GoldbergKindergarten
Doug ElsassKindergarten
Jennifer ColonKindergarten
First Grade
Carrie McCleanFirst Grade
Jennifer DonlinICT special education
Abby VaughnFirst grade
Valerie MosesFirst grade
Bill FeerickFirst grade
Second Grade
Amy BrownICT special education
Alexandra SalcedoSecond Grade
Greta SchwernerSecond grade
Andrew ChiappettaICT special education
AnnMarie MattavaSecond grade
Beth ForestaSecond grade
Third Grade
Janet RhiThird grade
Laura IorgaICT special education
Katherine SorelThird Grade
Claudia RolandoThird grade
Nancy LarsenThird grade
Alex StimmelICT special education
Fourth Grade
Kaelyn LeeFourth grade
Kristen KaelinFourth grade
Candacy MeusaFourth grade
Josh HunterICT special education
Lindsay AllanbrookICT special education
Jessica BerenblumFourth grade
Fifth Grade
Navika NagarmatICT special education
Laurie MatthewsFifth grade
Rachel LaneICT special education
Michael CruzFifth grade
Jennifer PignatoFifth Grade
Student Support & Enrichment Staff
Victor FortunaPhysical Education/Health
Brandon QuinonesPhysical Education/Health
Armando PerezPhysical Education/Swim Program
David HaimanMusic
Penina HirshmanArt and Activism
Taura OtteySpanish/504 Coordinator/Swim Program
Karen KleinLibrarian
Susan WestoverLibrarian
Carrie HaughGuidance Counselor
Dalisa Gomez-BrownGuidance Counselor
Joseph KleinSocial Worker
Shirley Soo HooMath Coach
Rachael WildeScience Coordinator
Sandra GayleSchool Nurse
Janine HauslerPupil Personnel Secretary