PTA Newsletter No. 15 - 4/30/23

Dear BNS Families,


Dear BNS Families,

Please read some important messages below, especially the one about traffic safety on Henry Street during drop-off and pick-up. We also hope you'll get involved in our Green/Food Committee and come to our next movie night! 



BNS Green/Food Committee Meeting Wednesday 5/3 2:40 p.m. Room 106 


Join us to hear what is happening and how you can lend a helping hand...we need your support!
- Ecorama (a.k.a. BNS's Earth day June 7th)
- Farmstand / Grow NYC
- Tree Pits
- Sidewalk & bike coral planters
- Farm update and needs
Contact:  BNS Green & Food Committee -
Visit our blog:  http://bnsecorama.blogspot. com

Let's Work to Keep Our Crossing Guard!


We have a temporary crossing guard at Henry & Rapelye. Hopefully we'll get a more permanent one soon, but crossing guards can ask to be transferred if their post is unsafe.


Our crossing guard warned us that parents are making her job unsafe: parking at the barricades and in the crosswalks makes it difficult for her to do her job. She cannot move between parked cars to help children and families cross. If BNS staff or the crossing guard ask you to move your car away from the barricades, please comply without rudeness!


It’s our responsibility to ensure that parents don’t park in crosswalks or at the barricades:

  • We will be putting out orange cones at the barricades on Henry & Rapelye. The cones mean DO NOT PARK HERE. If you have a cone to donate, let us know and bring it in.
  • We will have No Parking signs at the barricades.
  • Parents should call 311 to report that cars are parked at the barricades or in the crosswalks.

We are part of a community; let's not be selfish!

BNS Community Screen Time Survey


Our school guidance team is developing an online workshop for families with The Manhattan Psychology Group on Tuesday, May 23rd, @ 7pm around children's use of screens.  Your answers will help us put the workshop together. We appreciate your input!

BNS Screen Time Survey

Spring Dates for BNS Farm Stand: 5/17, 6/14


Q: What is Farm Stand at BNS? 

A: It’s a monthly market at BNS that supports local farmers and brings high-quality food to the BNS community at an affordable price. 
Q: When is Farm Stand at BNS? 
A: The remaining dates for the spring are May 17th and June 14th. We will be open from 2:00 to 4:00pm.
Q: How much does it cost?
A: You pay what you can. The suggested prices are wholesale prices, but you can pay
whatever fits your budget. If you choose to pay more, you will be supporting the Farm
Stand’s efforts to keep prices affordable for the whole school community.
Q: What forms of payment do you accept?
A: Cash, Venmo and Zelle

It's time to Vote for Community & Citywide Education Councils


All BNS parents are eligible to vote in this year's elections for our Community and Citywide Education Councils! Voting takes place on your NYC Schools Account (NYCSA) through May 9th. 

If you don't have a NYCSA or if you haven't logged on recently (tip: it's where you go to view your child's grades), you can get an account creation code from  from Amy Sumner at


Parent Volunteers Needed for Upcoming Events!


We need parent volunteers for our final Movie Night of the year 5/12 and our big dance party festival KidChellaStock 6/2 - we can't have these fun events for our kids if we don't get enough volunteers, please email if you can help out!

 Help Us Meet the BNS PTA Yearly Fundraising Goal!


The BNS PTA is committed to raising $280,000 this year for BNS programs and supplies. 

So far, our community has raised 42% towards this goal. With ten weeks till Watermelon Day, and summer vacation, we ask that you contribute to this effort if you can, so that we avoid falling short of our commitment. No amount is too small. And, please consider asking about corporate matching at your workplace; it can make a big difference.

BNS Movie Night Friday 5/12!


There are a few more volunteer spots for next Friday's Movie Night. You can sign up to volunteer here. Keep an eye out to reserve your tickets for the movie night itself.

DOE's School COVID Policy


If your child tests positive for COVID, please email as soon as possible.  Anyone who tests positive needs to stay home for at least 5 days after the positive test or start of symptoms.  Anyone who tests positive must have improved symptoms and must continue to wear a mask through day 10. 


Current DOE/DOH policy prompts families to test children on day 4 and day 5 after COVID exposure.  Children do not need to stay home after exposure as long as they are symptom-free.  It is strongly recommended that anyone exposed to COVID wear a mask for 10 days after exposure. 


You can check the DOE's COVID Safety website for updates about these policies:


Bookmark the 2022–2023 DOE school calendar here. BNS events and important dates are also on the Konstella calendar.


          Wed, May 3: BNS Green/Food Committee Meeting, 2:40 p.m., Room 106

          Thu, May 4: Last day to pick up your found items from the L&F shed

          Sun, May 7: Band Gathering in Prospect Park, 10:30 a.m.

          Fri May 12: BNS Movie Night, 5-8 p.m.



MAHSHAD HALL, Co-President, Mom to Ruby (1st grade)

CHRISTIAN LEUE, Co-President, Dad to Max (Kindergarten)

KRYSTINA ATHAS, Co-Treasurer, mom to Alexander & Liam (4th & 2nd grade)

HANNAH LANE, Recording Secretary, mom to Leo (pre-K)

JESSICA SMITH, Correspondence Secretary, mom to Henry (1st grade)

ELYSE NEIMAN SEITER, Social Media Co-Chair, mom to Aidan (5th grade) & Lola (BNS grad)

MERVE KAYAN, Social Media Co-Chair, mom to Leyla (2nd grade)

HANNAH NUDELL, Communications Co-Chair, mom to Eliza & Gideon (4th grade & Kindergarten)

AMY OSEKOWSKY DAVISCommunications Co-Chair, mom to Emily Davis (Pre-K)

MAGGIE ROSS NEWVILLE, Class Parent Coordinator, mom to Axel & Magnus  (3rd grade & BNS grad)

SARA KRAVIG GABLE, Fundraising Co-Chair, mom to Captain (1st grade)

ELENA TATE, Fundraising Co-Chair, mom to Hans (1st grade)

CATHERINE HELLEUX, mom to Bretton (1st grade)

TANICA GORDON, mom to Josiah (1st grade)

Contact the 2022–2023 BNS PTA at


BNS Farm Stand


PTA Newsletter No. 14 - 4/16/23