PTA Newsletter No.1
Welcome to the 2022–2023 school year at BNS! We hope you and your family have had an enjoyable summer and are ready to come together for an amazing year of learning and community.
We Are So Happy to See You!
Welcome to the 22-23 school year! This is our first of many letters from leadership that we will write this year, in the tradition of Anna Allanbrook’s “weekly letter.”
Summer Reading 2022
Visit the BNS / BCS Library virtually this summer for book recommendations and more. Your homework: get a library card at your local library!
Here We Are In June!
We started the draft of this letter in mid-May, when some of us were wondering, “How did that happen?”, while others were thinking about how the summer feels close and far at the same time.
PTA Newsletter | No. 24
The end of the year is approaching. We're grateful for our families, caregivers, teachers and staff. Thank you to everyone for all of your hard work. We value your partnership. Together we have created vibrant and strong community.
Our Hearts Are Broken and Our Spirits Are Tired
Our hearts are broken, and our spirits are tired. We are, many of us, not even yet processing the April subway shooting here in Brooklyn, and the racist killings in Buffalo, when the awful news of a senseless and disgusting school shooting in Texas …
End Of The Year Party! | Join Us on June 11
It has been a rough few years and we have made it through. That is something to celebrate! Please join us on June 11 for a Potluck BBQ Dance Party …
PTA Newsletter | No. 23
This weekend, we had a great time playing games and raising funds at Our Warrior Foundation Carnival Fundraiser for Brain Tumor Awareness. The event followed the 2022 BNS Band Share …
PTA Newsletter | No. 22
We are in the home stretch with just more than a month remaining of school! Thank you to everyone who joined us for the online auction. The Spring Auction was a great success…
Summer Rising Registration Is Now Open!
Registration is now open for Summer Rising 2022! Children currently in kindergarten through 5th grade can register for BNS summer rising. We cannot accept children currently in pre-K. Registration is first come, first served.
PTA Newsletter | No. 21
Welcome back from Spring Break. Hopefully adventures were had and time to rest was taken. There are some exciting things on the horizon as we go into the final stretch of the school year.
Planted Roots
We ended last week, a week with a lot of big feelings, and found ourselves reflecting on our current state of being. One piece of the BNS story is that people come and stay. This is true of its teachers, staff and students - no one really leaves. People plant roots and make this their home away from home.
2022 Spring Fling + Bid Bash Fundraiser
After a multi-year hiatus, we are thrilled to announce the return of the BNS Spring Fling + Bid Bash Fundraiser! Please join us for an evening of dancing, noshing and auctioning to raise money for our school!
Spring Farm Stand | April 13
The BNS Food Committee aims to offer access to seasonal and local produce to all BNS families. The Farm Stand is a partnership between the BNS School Food Committee, BNS Green Committee & GrowNYC…
PTA Newsletter | No. 20
There are so many exciting events upon us. We are kicking off the Read-A-Thon (4/2) and looking forward to Makerfest (4/9) all while we prepare for the Spring Auction (5/5). That's right, we still need volunteers to help us solicit donations.
Springing Forward, Slowly But Surely
Last week, our chickens (Red, Speckles and La Rubia) let us know that spring was here, by surprising our first graders with the first eggs of the season! If you’re not subscribed to the ecorama blog, we recommend it.
Changemakers Of Our World
It’s been another busy series of weeks at BNS! Check out some highlights and upcoming events below. We are happy to announce our new website (still at is live! A huge thank you to our website committee who worked tirelessly to revamp…
PTA Newsletter | No. 19
Wonderful weather has arrived! And, we have a Spring to look forward to: full of fun, fundraising and exciting observations. A reminder to all: The NYC School Survey needs to be completed by each family by Friday, March 25.
Makerfest Returns
BNS Makerfest is returning! For those that don’t know, Makerfest is an amazing afternoon where parents, teachers, and other BNS community members lead all kinds of maker activities with kids! Activities in the past have included: knitting, pressed flowers….
2022 Fourth Grade Musical
Celebrating 29 years of musical and movement collaboration and expression, on March 16 and 17, the Brooklyn Arts Exchange (BAX) and Brooklyn New School partnership continues with "I Celebrate Myself" We are Joy!