Makerfest Returns

Dear BNS families -

BNS Makerfest is returning! For those that don’t know, Makerfest is an amazing afternoon where parents, teachers, and other BNS community members lead all kinds of maker activities with kids! Activities in the past have included: knitting, pressed flowers, hat making, leather-working, butter making, jewelry making, DIY tote bags, making printing blocks, paper rockets, pom poms, slime, weaving, sewing, stamping, recycled art, DIY LED light bulbs, embroidering, printmaking, spin art, felting, muraling, collage, puppet-making, robot building, and more! Here are some photos of Makerfest from 2019 so you can get a feel for this super-fun event (thank you Justin):

BNS Makerfest will take place on Saturday, April 9th from 12-4 p.m. We’re looking for parent volunteers to:

**Lead activities! If you have any kind of arts & crafts or science & engineering talent or interest, you can lead an activity for kids! We can help you get the materials you need and figure out how to organize your station.

**Set-up, work the door, provide extra support at activity stations, provide food, sell food, clean-up. Even if you aren’t feeling craft-y, there are lots of ways for you to help!

Please fill out this Google form to show your interest and availability, and join our first planning meeting on Thursday 3/10 at 8:45 a.m. on Zoom.

Google form for volunteers:

Planning meeting is being held on Thursday 3/10 8:45 AM via Zoom (see Konstella for link).


PTA Newsletter | No. 19


2022 Fourth Grade Musical