KidChellaStock family dance party THIS FRIDAY!

Flyer for the BNS event dance party Kidchellastock

Celebrate the end of the school year at our family dance party KidChellaStock next Friday, May 17! We will have food, music, dancing, dress up, and art activities! All are welcome!

This year our theme is "Our Diversity is Our Strength" and we will be recognizing the 70th anniversary of the Brown v Board of Education ruling May 17, 1954 - which deemed school segregation unconstitutional - with a community activity about what this means to us. If you would like to help out with this activity or perform music at the event, please contact Elena at or Shalisha at BNS.

We also need your delicious food for our potluck -if you can, please prepare your family's favorite dish to share! Sign up here:

Get your family's wristbands here:

Share this link with friends outside of BNS - all are welcome!

We are inviting our new PreK and K families - this will be a great chance to welcome them to our community and make new friends for your kids and yourself! Peace and love to all at KidChellaStock!!!


Ecorama Wednesday June 5th


BNS Spring Fling