Day By Day, We Make Our Way Forward

Kids masked and engaged in movement in the schoolyard.

Dear Families, 

There has been much in the air and on the news this week about mask mandates in public spaces, and most notably for us, at public schools.  On Monday, when we returned from break, we experienced the first day of the lifted outdoor mask mandate.  This meant that during arrival and dismissal, lunch and outdoor play times, all of us had the option to remove our masks if we chose to, supported by science and local mandate updates.  Some children, and some adults, felt the relief and freedom of this new decision, and enjoyed the outdoor break without a mask.  Others still found comfort, safety and warmth in keeping their masks on. 

Here at BNS, we know that the most important choices we can make are the ones about how we take care of ourselves, each other, and our community.  We are working hard every day, and at every turn in this pandemic, to follow the science while also respecting the need for a feeling of safety within our community.  As we re-entered the building from those outdoor times, we gently reminded each other, “As we head inside, let’s make sure we tuck in our noses.” 

Two students with their respective bears - all four are masked.

Yesterday, an announcement was made by the city that masks will now be optional indoors at schools for children in grades Kindergarten and above.  We know that with this news, we will also experience waves of big feelings. Some have eagerly awaited this moment. Others approach this change with cautious optimism, in hopes for another step towards the pre-masked world we remember. And then there are those who feel deeply that it is too soon to remove masks inside, which comes again with a feeling of unsafety. 

We acknowledge that the lifting of this mandate brings forward an invitation to make our own choices, each one of us, each family for their child, each child for themselves - about what feels just right, right now.  We must continue to respect each other as we navigate this newest change. 

Step by step, day by day, we make our way forward.

Diane & Malika



Check out our brand new school website, launched this week: Send feedback through the contact us page.  Thanks to our amazing team of websters, all brand new to BNS and pre-K parents!


The NYC School Survey needs to be completed by each family.  More information here.


PTA newsletter (now biweekly)


Check Konstella for zoom links and the website calendar for updates:

List of upcoming events.

PTA Newsletter | No. 18


2022 Read - A - Thon