Happy New Year!

Dear Families, 

Happy New Year! In our first week back, we have been busy making strides in curricular milestones and bringing the outdoors inside. Fifth graders have shifted into their production of Maya artifacts. After entering their study of Maya culture, fifth graders are working with Steve and mold clay vases using slabs and piping in the art studio. They will use Mayan glyphs and stelaes which they design to decorate their vases. 

Fourth graders have learned about the Algonquian culture as part of their Eastern Woodland Native American study. This includes working with an ancestral technologist to build homes in the same traditional ways as seen below. They cultivated the materials and tools needed to build a home from scratch.

On Friday after lunch, kindergarteners brought some snow inside for table time. The children built snow people and caves for the little bears. They also built log cabins so they can stay toasty after the bears played in the snow.

The additional joy of Friday’s fallen snow led to outdoor building and exploring for first graders. Snowmen were built and snow was experimented with in a variety of ways. Scientists and architects at work!

Special shout out to head custodian Mazda making it possible for us to have safe travels on the sidewalks and school grounds! We were able to work and play in the snow because of his dedication!

Until next time,


Read the latest PTA Newsletter.


The PTA Newsletter | No. 15


Songs of Peace, Gathering and Celebration