Dear Families,

With the mid-winter break quickly approaching, we know that this week and next can be times where children have an uptick in unanticipated behaviors as they feel this break approaching. We are closely monitoring the social-emotional pulse of students throughout the building with an extra empathetic touch, knowing from where it stems. Their bodies are ready for the break, but until then they sure have been deep in a heavy cerebral lift.

This week fifth graders worked with Ed to learn how to program Sphero the robot. Students worked with the Sphero Edu software, programming the robots using special computers (Microsoft Surface Pros)! They took turns with their partners to set up their robot with specific functions. “That was so cool!” was echoed throughout, as kids practiced having their robots navigate the room before and after they learned to program their robot.  Once they used the “aim” feature, they centered their robots, allowing them to learn how to better control them. They were excited to get used to the gears in preparation for more complex tasks in the weeks to come. 

Abby & Jennifer’s first grade farmers studied worms and made amazing pop-up books to show what they learned about these important animals! Click the link to see their books filled with facts to share with others all that they’ve learned. Worm Pop-up Books

Project Time is underway in the third grade wing! As they prepare for their upcoming West Africa Museum, students and adults are hard at work constructing representations of what they’ve learned so that they can teach visitors. Due to Covid restrictions, this museum is only for the families of third grade students, however, please know that we will share images of the museum in full swing next week.

Until next week,


P.S. Vegan Friday in our cafeteria introduced some new dishes! We’ve now had two! 

Read the latest PTA Newsletter.

Check Konstella for Zoom links and the website calendar for updates:


The PTA Newsletter | No. 17


The Future We Look Forward To