Conversations of Color
Kaelyn Lee, Candacy Meusa, Navika Nagarmat, & Claudia Rolando
Conversations of Color provides a supportive and welcoming space for people of color to connect, share experiences, and explore topics related to their identities. Through open and thoughtful dialogue, the group fosters understanding, builds community, and offers support. Discussions include themes such as race, ethnicity, culture, and current events, creating opportunities for learning, reflection, and connection.
Adoption / Foster Care Affinity Group
Anna Allanbrook
We come together once a week, choosing to hang out with each other instead of going to recess or the lunch room. Anyone who either lives with a foster family or is adopted can participate. Some students come every week. Some just drop by when they feel like it, but it is always a welcoming place. We range in age from 6 to 70. The younger children may participate when a parent or teacher suggests it. The older children usually decide that they want to be there. Sometimes teachers join us, sometimes student teachers and assistants. All of these participants share the adopted or looked after identity. We have learned that the adoption community is a big one and we welcome all voices. Our experiences are varied. Some are awaiting adoption, others have been with their adoptive parents their entire lives. Some of us have memories, some of us don’t, but all of us identify as adopted. We share a common bond. Sometimes it is just being together that is important: playing, dancing, drawing. Sometimes it is telling stories about our lives. That’s why a few students return weekly. We are one.
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA)
Michael Cruz & Carrie Haugh
Our Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) is a dynamic and vital part of our BNS school community because it provides a safe, comfortable and joyful space to discuss and explore issues confronting our LGBTQ+ community, such as shifting laws, controversies, history, traditions and the ever-changing political landscape. We practice collaboratively examining individual feelings, thoughts and ideas, inspired by nonfiction articles and other texts, personal circumstances or current news events. Our members practice speaking, discussing, debating, adding on to each other's ideas, respectfully disagreeing and actively listening. This weekly work reflects the deep-seeded mission of our school's desire to be radically inclusive and to weave the concepts, values and meaning of social justice into our learning and into our entire school culture. It is our hope that this club positively impacts our community by creating more confidence, inclusiveness, joy and pride in our students and their families.
Disability Awareness Club (DAC)
Kristen Kaelin & Kristel Kubart
The Disability Awareness Club (DAC) is open to all 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders. Kids who identify as having disabilities get the opportunity to talk openly about them and to get support, and kids who don't have disabilities get the opportunity to learn more about disabilities and learn how to be allies. Over the past few years the club has discussed many different disabilities such as cerebral palsy, autism, ADHD, stuttering, developmental language disability, and dyslexia. We've also been busy advocating for an elevator for the school!